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Product with non-unique variants options

Adriana Nowak

Hi :), 
in our project for one of the product we created a new variants with new ProductVariantId but the volume and colour are the same as the old ones, now we have a problem on displaying the new ones because if we want to mark the old variant in one of our parameter as not sellable the old and the new variant is inhering this property, is this something that dw is not handling well, or we need to have unique variant option always?


Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Adriana 

Not sure I fully follow. Where do you set the product "as not sellable"?

If you created new variants, they have their own product record. In field settings you can setup what fields should inherit from the master and which should vary by variant. Maybe that is the setting you need to take a look at for the fields in question?

BR Nicolai

Adriana Nowak

The item sellable is a custom field that we have on the variant and master product. If we check it as true we want to display a variant on the page, in my example, if I marked the new variant so Tec7 Grå 600 ml NY as sellabe the old one Tec7 Grå 600 ml is inherring this value in that field. So I was wondering if I can have variants that have the same color and volume so Tec7 Grå 600 ml NY and Tec7 Grå 600 ml, because from my testing this two are inherriting the values from fields that we have in eccomerce, beside that they have a different ProductVariantId

Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen


For that custom field, check the settings

- Ensure that "Allow change of field across variants" is set. Otherwise all variants and the master will inherit the value if you change it on just one of the variants.


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