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ItemList Relations - relations in database different from ItemList.GetItemListById(itemlistId)

Marie Louise Veigert


Im using a ItemRelation list in an item.

DW version 9.17.6

I experience that some relations in the list isn't returned when I call ItemList.GetItemListById(itemlistId).
I checked in the database, at all relations are there as expected.

Any suggestions to why they are not all available in the  ItemList.GetItemListById(itemlistId); ?

The code below:

List<string> list = new List<string>();
if (item != null)
    var itemlistId = Convert.ToInt32(item["TypeFacets"]);
    var itemList = ItemList.GetItemListById(itemlistId);

    foreach(var it in itemList.Relations)

feedRoot.availableFacets.TypeFacetEcom = list;


In the feed I get these IDs:



 In the database it looks like this, which means item '9' is missing:


BR Marie Louise


Vladimir Dynamicweb Employee

Hello Marie,

Most likely the item 'TypeFacets' with id '9' was deleted, so ItemList skips this relation.
Please, could  you run a check with the query:
 Select * From ItemType_TypeFacets Where [Id] = '9'

The 'ItemListRelation' table stores relations to records from different item tables, so unfortunately it has no a constraint to ensure data integrity.

Best regards,

Marie Louise Veigert

Hi Vladimir,

Thanks for the idea.

Its in the database the Item with ID 9.

Vladimir Shushunov Dynamicweb Employee
Vladimir Shushunov

hmm.. you wrote previously a code with item name 'TypeFacets'?
The name of table should be ItemType_TypeFacets

Marie Louise Veigert

I understand the confusion.

The itemrelation field on the item is called TypeFacets in the templatetag and systemname.

The item possible to select is called 'ItemType_Type'


Vladimir Shushunov Dynamicweb Employee
Vladimir Shushunov

I'm sorry, you are right about a name of course :)
But then I don't understand what's going on, I can't reproduce the issue on my solution.
Could you debug this place - what count of items in  list.Relations?

Best regards,


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