We are encountering some unexpected issues with a customer solution using Live Integration.
The customer operates in a country where, by law, a specific line item (Künstlersozialversicherungsabgabe) must be added to orders when selling certain products, such as satellite receivers. Their Business Central (BC) instance has been customized to include this line. We are using Full Card communication to retrieve the recalculated order. The line must be visible to the customer, so its order type is set to 0.
When submitting a sales order to BC, new product lines do not include a SalesLineId (in the XML sent to BC). BC (re)assigns these IDs sequentially (e.g., 100 for the 1st line, 200 for the 2nd), and the SalesLineParentLineId is assigned to related lines (e.g., 100 for the 2nd line).
Order Line Reference is not preserved
When retrieving the updated order from BC, the SalesLineParentLineId is not set in EcomOrderLines. Could this be because both the parent and child lines are set to type 0? It is essential to keep this type for the special line as this must appear visible to the customer as an item line and not as a combined tax. -
Additional Line is not removed
When the original product is removed, the added line remains visible. Even when the sales order is returned from BC with no lines, the line persists in the cart. Could this be because the SalesLineParentLineId is not set correctly?
Lars Bo