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Division of Assets in DW9

Adrian Juell

Hi ,

I have a customer that has a multi language site where they want to split product-video material on their respective sites (.no / .se) based on a suffix (_no / _se) during import of assets.

Is there any easy way of acheiving this? I have explored 'Automatic checkin' a bit, but from the documentation, it seems like this is linked to the PIM, and this customer is using an external PIM.




Søren Jensen Dynamicweb Employee
Søren Jensen

Hi Adrian,

It is possible to use "Automatic checkin" on Digital assets, also without the PIM license on DW9.

So you can define Asset categories with correct patterns in Ecommerce settings, and setup schedule task to manage the process.

Hope that helps you


Adrian Juell

Thank you Søren! 
Thats nice to know that this is an option for us. 
Now we just have to figure out how it works and how to build the structure for it :)


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