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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features » Adjust number of facet groups on products page only

Adjust number of facet groups on products page only

Caro De Weze


Is it possible to set somewhere which facets groups may be shown on the page with all products? This should not affect category pages, because all filters must be shown there. So it cannot be done by adjusting the facet groups here:

Kind regards,
Caro De Weze


Dynamicweb Employee
Aleksandar Borislavov Ivanov

Hi Caro,

Unfortunately what you need can't be achieved by adjusting settings. This is because the productlist facets settings act as a master switch, if they aren't selected then they will not get calculated.

To achieve the result you need, you can modify Files\Templates\Designs\Swift\Paragraph\ProductListFacets\FormFields.cshtml template  (around line 114) that renders the facets.
You can create a facet group to include only the facets that you need on the ProductList, then check if no group is selected  (Dynamicweb.Context.Current.Request.QueryString["GroupID"] is null or empty) only render the "AllProducts" facet group. Then do the opposite for when a product group is selected.
You can also set specific facets on group settings from here:
But this won't work for facets that have not been selected in the product catalog app settings.
BR Alex


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