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Quickpay API integration to Business Central?

Bo Brinkmann

Does anyone knows about an API from Business Central to Quickpay.

We need a feature that can draw the money  when the items are sent from the warehouse (in Business Central). The warehouse users dosnt have access to quickpay backend and do want this as a manuel process.




Morten Snedker Dynamicweb Employee
Morten Snedker

Hi Bo,

Your question lies very much outside the scope of Dynamicweb. As I read it, when something happens in the warehouse, some logic should occur between BC and payment gateway. As this is unrelated to Dynamicweb and our codeunit wihting BC, and given that I am not misunderstanding you, I don't believe you will find a useful answer here.


Bo Brinkmann

It was your support who suggested it.

We hoped someone already made an integration and we get in contact :-)

Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Bo

I do not know any implementations. But Quickpay do have an API over http where you can do pretty much anything.

In your case you have a payment that DW authorized, and now you need to capture it.

You can call the capture feature in Quickpay relatively simple if you have the correct payment information:

You need to send a PaymentID - which you can find on the order in DW on the ecomorders table - and also part of the data that can be send to BC.

Also there is a long thread here about how you can capture payments using Dynamicweb in an integration scenario - but pretty technical:

On Dynamicweb 10 you can use the management api (Http rest API with api-keys) to capture an order using our logic.

Let me know if this helps you further - and ask if you have any other questions.

BR Nicolai


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