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User smart search filter option by User Type

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

hi guys,

I am trying to define a User smart search that would exclude all users of type Login.

I have tried using the "User type" property but it seems to be connected to the standard roles instead of the User type.

Is there any way I could use the User type for smart search filtering even if it's not listed in the Dropdown list?

Thank you,


Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

Are you refering to the item type on a user?

A quick fix could be to create a custom user field and run a SQL (maybe as scheduled) that moves the item type name to the custom field, or sets a checkbox.

BR Nicolai

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Nicolai,

No. I am talking about the UserAndGroupType field.

I can use the quick fix for now. Maybe you will consider adding this field to the list of available User fields for Smart Search. It can prove useful if it's used wisely.

Thank you,


Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

I have added it together with item type to the next 10.7 release.


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