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No Source Table From JSON Source Provider In Data Integration

Bo Nyby


I'm trying to set up a data integration using a JSON provider on a DW 9.12.12 solution. I'm running into an issue where no source table is found in my data:

I think the issue comes down to the formatting of my JSON file without being 100% certain. The JSON Provider documentation contains no information on the desired format from what I can see. I found the following forum post containing a snippet of some JSON and tried to replicate the format but to no avail:

Below is an example of my JSON format (mocked values). Any ideas as to what might cause the issue?

  "tableName": "ProductInformations", 
  "ProductInformations": [
      "StructureId": "123",
      "colorId": "abc123",
      "ItemNumber": "1234",
      "Name": "product1",
      "Language": "GB",
      "webImages": [
          "Title": "product1",
          "Image": "img1.png",
          "ImagePath": "/Files/..."
          "Title": "product1",
          "Image": "img2.png",
          "ImagePath": "/Files/..."
      "thumbnail": [
          "Title": "product1",
          "Image": "img3.png",
          "ImagePath": "/Files/..."
      "availableFinishingTypes": [
          "Title": "finishType1",
          "Image": "img4.png",
          "ImagePath": "/Files/..."
      "availableShapes": [
          "Title": "Shape1",
          "Image": "img5.png",
          "ImagePath": "/Files/..."
          "Title": "Shape2",
          "Image": "img6.png",
          "ImagePath": "/Files/..."


Dmitriy Benyuk Dynamicweb Employee
Dmitriy Benyuk

Hi Bo,
you can try to make a new job with selecting a JSON provider as a destination and run it, so the output of the job will be a JSON file with a Dynamicweb format structure.
The sample JSON should look like that:
    "tableName": "EcomDetails",
    "EcomDetails": [
        "DetailId": "DETAIL668",
        "DetailProductId": "PROD97",
        "DetailVariantId": ""
        "DetailId": "DETAIL669",
        "DetailProductId": "PROD97",
        "DetailVariantId": ""
BR, Dmitrij

Bo Nyby

Hi Dmitriy,

Thank you for your response. I've tried to use your snippet 1-to-1, but unfortunately I'm still unable to select a table. Did I misunderstand your suggestion?

Dmitriy Benyuk Dynamicweb Employee
Dmitriy Benyuk

Hi Bo,
maybe it is too old JSON provider that you have on your Dynamicweb solution (which is also  an old one as there is 9.17 already).
Can you check if the JSON provider package is one of the last one v3.0 in the Settings -> System -> System information? And if itis not then you can update it from here:
BR, Dmitrij


Bo Nyby

Hi Dmitriy,

Sorry for the late response.

I looked at the version of our JSON provider, and it was an old version (2.0.1 I believe). I decided to abandon the JSON provider in favor of the XML provider, as that's what we have been using for the other integrations in the project, and upgrading DW is currently not in scope. Thank you for your help anyways.

Have a nice day.

Kind regards,



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