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Any way to disable auto deletion from OMCLink?

Claus Kølbæk
Claus Kølbæk


I use email marketing to resend the same email to the same users every week, but the templates content changes based on dates on news. The setup works pretty well except that I have to delete the info that the users have received the email before from the EmailRecipient tabel, for DW to want to send to them again :) - however I have an issue with the links in the mails not working, they land on fx /link.ashx?ID=500 but if look in the OMCLink tabel the line for 500 is no longer present, which leads me to believe that some sorta of autoclean up is running, as it must have generated at some point for it to know to set the link ID to 500 in the mail.

So! Is there anyway to either completely disable this link tracking feature, or awoid the rows being deleted from the table?


Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Claus

Email marketing is not designed to send the same email to the same users multiple times.

You can create a new email using the same template for each sending - that would solve this issue.

BR Nicolai

Claus Kølbæk
Claus Kølbæk

Hi Nicolai

I get that, but that would require me to manually manage an automated process, which is the exact opposit of what I am trying to achieve here :) - and as I am commenting it is also working very well, my only issue being that the link tracking tabel is losing rows. - but if there is no way around it, I guess I'll make a job that recreates the missing rows, whenver they are deleted.

Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Claus

I have tried looking into the code - we do not have jobs that clean the link table. So it might be when the links in an email with the same emailid registers the links in that mail.

The only option you might have to remove the parsed links (link.ashx) is to use a EmailNotifications.OnBeforeEmailSend notification subscriber and remove the link.ashx from the email and replace them by the real link again - when the notification fires, the message has been parsed for links - so you might be able to reverse that in the subscriber.

BR Nicolai

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Claus Kølbæk
Claus Kølbæk

Hi Nicolai

I got some code access aswell, and found that it happens as you also mentions when it sends out - then it makes a list of links that are no longer present in the mail and deletes them.

So thank you for the code check and your suggestion with the EmailNotification, that should indeed solve it.


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