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Subscribe to newsletter and create acccount

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi guys,

We have a project where we need to implement a better way to handle newsletter subscriptions. it is a B2C project and therefore the challenges are different.

What we are trying to accomplish is a double opt-in for both New Account and Newsletter subscriptions.
We are trying to take advantage of the "Require unique emails", "Update existing users based on email match" and "Approval by user".

What we have noticed is that combining "Update existing users based on email match" and "Approval by user" will generate some scenarios that are hard to handle.

This combination will deactivate any existing account and wait for the confirmation link to be clicked before the account would be active again. And it kind of makes sense.

The trouble is that a user who made a valid request but for some reason has not received the activation email, cannot reactivate the account by making another account request.

That's because the "Require unique emails" will also check the inactive accounts, not just the active ones. And you cannot reset the password for an inactive account.

I guess that one potential solution to this would be to add a new checkbox for "check only active users" when the "Require unique emails" option is checked. This way it would also be backward compatible.

If anybody has a better way of handling it, I would be happy to hear it.

Thank you,



Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Adrian

The module is not designed for multiple signups and creations as you describe - and we cannot add more checkboxes to this as it is already impossible to understand what is going on - we actually went through this on documentation meeting yesterday. The only solution you have right now is to simplify the logic in your implementation (if you have signed up for newsletter, you have to reset password instead of creating a user) or do it custom.

We are currently in the process of re-designing the user management frontend so it goes into several new modules - one for each feature. It will be viewmodel based. I have it on the radar that you and others wants multiple signups and validation emails and support the flow you describe.

BR Nicolai

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Nicolai,

Thank you for the response.

We cannot simplify/complicate the signup process as we are talking about a B2C website and the customer will always compare the functionality we are trying to implement, with other B2C solutions out there.

But it's clear now that I must find a solution on my own.

I am looking forward to seeing the new approach.

Thank you,



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