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Datalists using stored procedures with temp tables

Pedro Meias
Pedro Meias


DW 9.17.5, Swift v1.26.0

This is a project with a couple of custom tables and we are using datalists to access the records on those tables.

Since the original query had a couple of inners joins and that was causing some performance issues. We tried to use a stored procedure to improve performance.

However, If the stored procedures contains temp tables, the datalist will not return any results.

If I replace the stored procedure temp table with a table variable, the datalist returns results.

Both queries return results when I run them on SQL Firehose

Any ideia why the temp tables are not supported?

I have attaches the sql files in case they are needed.




Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer


You could use the inner joins and then optimize the db indexes - add new ones that helps the inner join on each way.

BR NIcolai

Votes for this answer: 1


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