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Batch integration - import property translations

Davy Capiau


Our customer has al her properties and translations in NAV. When I make the request where I specify the languages, I only get the Property field translations values for the main language: "ENU".

How should I adjust this request to add them to the response?

<GetEcomData shopID="SHOP13">
<Products type="all" setLanguage="ENU" languages="FRB,NLB,SVE" importProductProperties="true" />



Dmitriy Benyuk Dynamicweb Employee
Dmitriy Benyuk

Hi Davy,
not sure what translation values are you missing, could you explain more and make a screens from NAV what translations do you need?
Maybe some of them are not implemented.
BR, Dmitrij

Davy Capiau

Hi Dmitrij

Below you see a sreenshot from the response with property data.

When you look at FieldValueValue you see 3 different values: Ecologisch,Ecologique and Okologisch. These are 3 translations of the same value 'ecological'. What I'd expect is that every "EcomProductCategoryFieldValue"-node would have a FieldValueProductLanguageId that matches the language in the FieldValueValue. But it's all 'enu' and there is no other node that allows me to match it with its correct language.



Dmitriy Benyuk Dynamicweb Employee
Dmitriy Benyuk

Hi Davy,
this is a bug and needs to be fixed.
BR, Dmitrij

Davy Capiau

Hi Dmitrij,

On which level is this a bug? The NAV connector or their DW version (Cloud All-In-One - Business version 9.10.20)

Dmitriy Benyuk Dynamicweb Employee
Dmitriy Benyuk

Hi Davy,
It can be in the codeunit. But now after some more investigation I am not sure if it is a bug.

Are you using the latest version of it for NAV2018?

I was looking on this issue with trying to get it reproduced in the D365BC and failed to make a setup like you have in your response.
So if the Attribute in the BC is type of type Text then you can not specify its value in different languages on the product, see the image below for the Material Description field:

The response looks like that:

<item table="EcomProductCategoryFieldValue">
<column columnName="FieldValueFieldId"><![CDATA[ImportedNAVItemAttributes_5]]></column>
<column columnName="FieldValueFieldCategoryId"><![CDATA[ImportedNAVItemAttributes]]></column>
<column columnName="FieldValueProductId"><![CDATA[1896-S]]></column>
<column columnName="FieldValueProductVariantId"><![CDATA[]]></column>
<column columnName="FieldValueProductLanguageId"><![CDATA[ENU]]></column>
<column columnName="FieldValueValue"><![CDATA[Wood123]]></column>

So I have not any way how to have the value Wood123 to be translated into different languages:

When the Item attribute is of type List of Options then you can specify the each option translation name:

but in the response xml it has the integer number in the value:

<item table="EcomProductCategoryFieldValue">
<column columnName="FieldValueFieldId"><![CDATA[ImportedNAVItemAttributes_1]]></column>
<column columnName="FieldValueFieldCategoryId"><![CDATA[ImportedNAVItemAttributes]]></column>
<column columnName="FieldValueProductId"><![CDATA[1896-S]]></column>
<column columnName="FieldValueProductVariantId"><![CDATA[]]></column>
<column columnName="FieldValueProductLanguageId"><![CDATA[ENU]]></column>
<column columnName="FieldValueValue"><![CDATA[8]]></column>

and it corresponds to those records in the output xml:
<item table="EcomFieldOption">
<column columnName="FieldOptionId"><![CDATA[ImportedNAVItemAttributes_1_8]]></column>
<column columnName="FieldOptionFieldId"><![CDATA[ImportedNAVItemAttributes_1]]></column>
<column columnName="FieldOptionName"><![CDATA[Black]]></column>
<column columnName="FieldOptionValue"><![CDATA[8]]></column>
<item table="EcomFieldOptionTranslation">
<column columnName="EcomFieldOptionTranslationOptionID"><![CDATA[ImportedNAVItemAttributes_1_8]]></column>
<column columnName="EcomFieldOptionTranslationLanguageID"><![CDATA[ENU]]></column>
<column columnName="EcomFieldOptionTranslationName"><![CDATA[Black]]></column>
<item table="EcomFieldOptionTranslation">
<column columnName="EcomFieldOptionTranslationOptionID"><![CDATA[ImportedNAVItemAttributes_1_8]]></column>
<column columnName="EcomFieldOptionTranslationLanguageID"><![CDATA[DEU]]></column>
<column columnName="EcomFieldOptionTranslationName"><![CDATA[Black DEU]]></column>

Let me know how is your attribute is setup in NAV, is it a Text or List of options? Do you use our standard codeunit for NAV without changes?

BR, Dmitrij



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