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Forum » Swift » Price table item type displays headers when no EcomPrice table records exist

Price table item type displays headers when no EcomPrice table records exist

Melissa Borgmann
Melissa Borgmann
For a given product, when EcomProducts.ProductPrice is populated but no records exist in the EcomPrices table, it is expected that the price table in the Price table item type (Designs/Swift/Paragraph/Swift_ProductPriceTable.cshtml) would not display; however, the table headers are displayed. Can this be resolved so the table headers are hidden unless records exist for the product in EcomPrices?
Solution here running 9.16.3 / 1.24.0.


Karsten Thuen Dynamicweb Employee
Karsten Thuen

Hi Melissa

I can not see the image you have attached here. And I was not able to find the price table on the solution you link to. And I could not recreate the bug locally. Can you guide me in the right direction?

We do have a check in the template to see if there is something in the price table, and do not render anything if there is none (ProductViewModel.Prices.Count > 0)

Best regards
Karsten Thuen

Nuno Aguiar Dynamicweb Employee
Nuno Aguiar
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Melissa,


I looked into that with Karsten, and sounds like it's just an issue on our code (I must have missed it). So you'll get it in the next upgrade of Swift(Rizzo) of your website.




Votes for this answer: 1
Melissa Borgmann
Melissa Borgmann

Sounds good, thanks Nuno!


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