Hi there,
I am trying to filter sales prices from BC that either have a specific end date in BC (0001-01-01) or that are greater than today. In standard OData I can do this:
?$filter=(Ending_Date eq 0001-01-01 or Ending_Date gt 2023-09-18)
which works fine when executed directly against BC.
How do I set that up in an end point or a job? I can add a $filter query string to the end point and assign the above filter. That also works but then I can't dynamically determine the date using @Code (I want to use DateTime.Now instead of 2023-09-18). I also tried now() but BC doesn't support that. And when I set the filters on the job itself they are ANDed together rather than ORed together and then I get no results because none of the dates matches 0001/1/1 and is greater than today (&$filter=(Ending_Date+eq+0001-01-01)+and+(Ending_Date+gt+18-09-2023+00:00:00)) :-)
Any ideas?