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Including product URLs in sitemap - either too many og none?

Allan Iversen
Allan Iversen

Hello there,

The below has been tested on DW 9.15.11.

We have some challenges with including product URLs in the Sitemap.

If we choose not to activate "Use new URL providers for sitemap.xml nodes", then we will not get any of the product URLs out. If, on the other hand, we activate the setting, we get all Product URLs according to the product's product group relations in Ecommerce. It gives too many and we risk being penalized for duplicate content.

How do we handle this?

The optimal solution would be that we only get one product URL out (e.g. the primary one).




Allan Iversen
Allan Iversen

Hi again,

I looked a bit further into it. Another approach would be that the URL provider should comply with the settings / rules that are set up on ecom groups. Even if a product group is set not to be displayed in the sitemap, the Product URL still appears for it.

Is it a bug?


Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Allan

Thanks for writing.

The missing respect for "Show in sitemap" for product groups (and actually pages) is a bug that has just been fixed but not yet released as part of other changes to sitemap.xml. This id devops#15253. These are the changes:

  1. Respect "Show in sitemap" setting from pages and product groups
  2. Will remove variants from the sitemap.xml by default as that is the same product as its master - and duplicate content in your definition (This change is mostly to limit the amount of data). Variants can be enabled though.
  3. The last change of this work item is that if a primary domain is provided for a given website, that would be used instead of the host of the current request.

With the underlying API change we might also be able to give you a setting to leave out products that have multiple URLs and default to the primary or random first url created.

Everyone disagrees on these sitemaps, so it is hard for us to make a solution that works for everyone. But I am game for adding a bunch of checkboxes so it can be configured to your local flavor of seo expert knowledge.

We also have an example of how to create your own ruleset here:

Related to duplicate content (opinionated)

There is duplicate content and then there is the same page having 2 urls - that would be 2 very different situations. 

What you describe is the same page having 2 urls, and it is not harming and it is not duplicate content. If anything, google will sometimes choose one URL over another URL when displayed in the search result and sometimes choose one you do not prefer. By using primary group and ensuring your implementation have the primary url in the canonicals of your page, you should have handled that just fine. According to Google docs, canonicals takes prescedence over urls in sitemap.xml

Duplicate content is when you repeat the same content on multiple pages. I.e. having the same product description for many products or inserting the same paragraph all over the website. And then again this is not even a really bad duplicate content issue, just bad and confusing content.

A really bad duplicate content problem is when you copy content from other sites to your site - i.e. re-using product descriptions from sources that deliver to many sources and therefore is available on many websites.

All that aside - I am very much aware you probably disagree.

An extremely old blog post from Google stating the above - URLs vs. Content:

Another interesting aspect of this issue:

And another:

Votes for this answer: 1
Allan Iversen
Allan Iversen

Hi Nicolai,

Thank for answering.

Respecting the "Show in sitemap" setting will help us out here.

Will this update be released with version 9.15.13?




Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

Great. And yes.

Kristian Kirkholt Dynamicweb Employee
Kristian Kirkholt

Hi Allan

The Sitemap feature update now released in Dynamicweb version 9.15.13
You can get this from the download section

Kind Regards
Dynamicweb Care Support
Kristian Kirkholt


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