Hi there,
I need to send the deadline parameter to Quick Pay (QuickPay Form - https://learn.quickpay.net/tech-talk/payments/form/) in order to control the time the user has to complete the order (so it matches the reservation time in the cart). I tried a few options but they are all sub optimal:
1. Build a custom Post template and add the custom field. Easy to implement at the template level. However, QuickPay wants a checksum of all fields so the existing one is now invalid. This means I need to keep track of all post values myself in the template, duplicate ComputeHash and some other helpers and compute the hash myself. This could work and is not too bad if ComputeHash didn't need the ApiKey into QuickPay. That's not available as a tag and thus I need to duplicate it in my template.
2. Build a custom version of QuickPayPaymentWindow that has the field. Bad for future upgrades but is a clean way to get it done for now.
3. File a feature request or a PR and wait for a new version.
What would you recommend? I need to get this done sooner rather than later so option #3 is not great either.