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Missing fields in ShippingViewModel from GetShippings

Mikkel Belchuke
Mikkel Belchuke


Would it be possible to add the remaining fields, from the Shipping Model, into the ShippingViewModel when using the WebAPI endpoint "/dwapi/ecommerce/shippings".

We would like to use FeeRuleSource, but it would be great if you could just add the other fields as well.  



Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Mikkel

I have added the source.

Not all properties makes sense in a view model. I.e. EligibleForFreeShipping is a setting that can affect the calculation of the actual fee, and would maybe just clutter up the data.... Anything in particular you need?

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

Mikkel Belchuke
Mikkel Belchuke

That's perfect Nicolai. And I totally agree that not all fields makes sense to add. What you added is just what I needed. Thank you!


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