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Changing password offers to save account as mrssmith

Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Hi there,

Using Swift, when I change my password, my browser (Chrome) offers to save the newly created password. However, it's using as the suggested user name coming from the hidden anti-spam field:

This is quite confusing for the user and looks dubious.

Is there a way to fix that? I was hoping to inject a bogus hidden email field with the actual user's email address but since the form is auto-generated with the hidden fields, I can't inject my field before the others. 




Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen


You can try to change EditProfile template to have this in its change password section - around line 170:

<div class="grid gap-3 p-3">
 <div class="g-col-12">
 @foreach (LoopItem error in GetLoop("FormValidationErrors"))
 <div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">
 <input type="email" class="invisible position-absolute overflow-hidden opacity-0 bottom-0 end-0" placeholder="@Translate("Email")" autocomplete="email" value="@GetString("UserManagement:User.Email")" style="width:0px;height:0px;" />
 <div class="g-col-12">
 <div class="form-floating">
 <input type="password" class="form-control @invalidOldPassword" id="UserManagement_Form_OldPassword" name="UserManagement_Form_OldPassword" placeholder="@Translate("Old password")" required>
 <label for="UserManagement_Form_OldPassword">@Translate("Current password")</label>
 <div class="invalid-feedback">@GetString("UserManagement:User.OldPassword.Input.Error")</div>
 <div class="g-col-12">
 <div class="form-floating">
 <input type="password" class="form-control @invalidPassword" id="UserManagement_Form_NewPassword" name="UserManagement_Form_NewPassword" autocomplete="new-password" placeholder="@Translate("Old password")" required>
 <label for="UserManagement_Form_NewPassword">@Translate("New password")</label>
 <div class="invalid-feedback">@GetString("UserManagement:User.NewPassword.Input.Error")</div>

 <div class="g-col-12">
 <div class="form-floating">
 <input type="password" class="form-control @invalidConfirmPassword" id="UserManagement_Form_NewPasswordConfirm" name="UserManagement_Form_NewPasswordConfirm" autocomplete="new-password" placeholder="@Translate("Old password")" required>
 <label for="UserManagement_Form_NewPasswordConfirm">@Translate("Confirm new password")</label>
 <div class="invalid-feedback">@GetString("UserManagement:User.NewPasswordConfirm.Input.Error")</div>

 <div class="g-col-12">
 <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" id="UpdatePasswordButton">@Translate("Update password")</button>
Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Same thing unfortunately. Looks like it picks up the first field that smells like an email field (_sys_to_email)


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