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Swift update issues

Peter Leleulya
Peter Leleulya
For an existing project I updated my DW Admin from 9.14.0 to 9.15.4.
I ran the Application, opened the CMS and reran the updates (entered 2000 in both fields and pushed rerun).
Then I have overwritten the Swift files folder with the V1.20.0 version and mended the custom css and js that got overwritten.
I would expect the website to run after this.
But I ran into null reference exceptions in the Swift_Image.cshtml and Swift_Poster.cshtml (when products is null products.Products will crash when creating the productLink)
After fixing this I ran into a whole bunch of Invalid column name sql exceptions.
Shouldn't the database update files fix that?
Crash in the ItemType_Swift_Theme template:
Invalid column name 'AccentColor'.
Invalid column name 'ButtonLinkColor'.
Invalid column name 'ButtonLinkHoverColor'.'
I added these to the table as nvarchar(MAX)
Crash in the 1Column template:
Invalid column name 'PosterAltText'.
Invalid column name 'HeadingLevel'.
Invalid column name 'TitleColor'.
Invalid column name 'TitleOpacity'.
Invalid column name 'SubtitleColor'.
Invalid column name 'SubtitleOpacity'.
I didnt add these ... I don't know which type they should be ...
Probably more after this ...
UpdateVersion_ecom.xml: 2247
update.xml 2163
What is best to do now?


Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Peter

When you update the itemtypes in system with new files, better restart the IIS.

Alternatively inside itemtypes list of screens there is a refresh button that will read XML definitions and sync with the database (same happens on restart)

The template null exceptions is probably our bad code - we have added new settings on the item types, and we tend to forget to code it in a way that is backwards compatible - i.e. the new setting does not have a value and no default value and hence breaks - unless that item is saved after the update. So that should be fixed by us.

BR Nicolai

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