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Forum » Feature requests » Validation Groups vNext

Validation Groups vNext

Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Hi there,

I have a few feature requests related to validation. They cover various areas of Dynamicweb. I'll describe them here but happy to split them up into separate feature requetss if needed.

1. Validation groups on addresses in the customer center
When adding / editing an address or managing other customer data in the customer center, no validation takes place. This means a user could enter an address that is saved successfully, but is rejected seconds later when used during checkout. Having (the same) validation groups available in the customer center would give us a consistent way to handle validation. Currently, we're manually validating some things in the CC which means customization of Swift templates + a disconnect between the template rules and the validation groups.

2. Use validation groups to drive simple client side UI validation
It would be nice if simple things like min and max length of a validatable field would be applied to the Swift templates in the box. Setting, say a max length on the order reference field in Validation Groups then sets the maxlength attribute in the order templates. This way, validation happens client side first (yay!) and is consistent with what we configure on the validation rules. 

3. Use validation groups to drive full client side UI validation
Same as above, but now applying all rules such as min length, numeric checks and regular expressions by converting the server side rules to their client side counter parts.




Nuno Aguiar Dynamicweb Employee
Nuno Aguiar
