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Forum » Dynamicweb 10 » Setting up the lastest downloadable DW10 in IIS gives 500.31 error

Setting up the lastest downloadable DW10 in IIS gives 500.31 error

Mikkel Hammer
Mikkel Hammer

Hi DW,

When following this guide, i've tried with the lastest two versions, and i keep running into this following message.

Even though i've installed both ASP.NET Core runtime 6 & 7. Because the guide linked above mentions .NET 7. But at the bottom of the same page in the FAQ it says .NET 6, but i guess that just haven't been updated to say .NET 7, so it causes a bit of confusion.

As mentioned in this post, it says to change the path to the correct dll - but clearly the problem is back, with some extra problems it seems.
It's refencing a path that isn't the correct one and a dll that doesn't even exist.

But the other post is correct in which dll to chance to, but it seems that has changes aswell - so now this is the correct path. (just a small edit here, the path from the other post is still correct when used with ProjectTemplates - so it depends on your setup)

Hope you can fix it for future releases :)

Best regards,
Mikkel Hammer



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