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My favorites page bugged?



I get random null ref exception when accessing the My favorites page.

It's just like the products are in the list/lists (3 pcs, "default", "wish list" and "christmas wishes") but when I try to access them, it throw a null ref. Even weirder is when it gets a null ref when I check if it's null or not. (see picture) One time it passed and even .Count is displayed correctly, but further down in the code when it runs a .Take(2) from the list, it becomes a null ref there too - even though that function should not be able to give a null ref. When I insert a breakpint directly under foreach, you can see, for example, that there are 3 lists, but the list's product list cannot be displayed because "not all threads are running". Then I click on the icon to run the thread and then a null ref is displayed instead.

Best regards,




Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

Can you provide the entire stack trace?

It seems like an exception coming from the viewengine when creating the theList.ProductList (ProductListViewmodel) - that property is lazy, so it will not execute untill you call it in the template - and from your screendump it seems like the ViewEngine is causing the issue.

It could be a missing currency or similar.

Which dw version is it?

DW version

Error executing template "Designs/Swift/eCom/CustomerExperienceCenter/Favorites/FavoriteLists.cshtml"
System.NullReferenceException: Objektreferensen har inte angetts till en instans av ett objekt.
   vid Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.ProductCatalog.ViewEngine.GetFavoriteListProducts(FavoriteListViewModelSettings settings, FavoriteList favoriteList)
   vid System.Lazy`1.CreateValue()
   vid System.Lazy`1.LazyInitValue()
   vid Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.ProductCatalog.ViewEngine.<>c__DisplayClass31_0.<CreateView>b__0()
   vid System.Lazy`1.CreateValue()
   vid System.Lazy`1.LazyInitValue()
   vid CompiledRazorTemplates.Dynamic.RazorEngine_b29e31e6024e47fba3a19ee5f9363066.<RenderContent>b__0_0(TextWriter __razor_helper_writer) i \Files\Templates\Designs\Swift\eCom\CustomerExperienceCenter\Favorites\FavoriteLists.cshtml:rad 71
   vid CompiledRazorTemplates.Dynamic.RazorEngine_b29e31e6024e47fba3a19ee5f9363066.Execute() i \Files\Templates\Designs\Swift\eCom\CustomerExperienceCenter\Favorites\FavoriteLists.cshtml:rad 22
   vid RazorEngine.Templating.TemplateBase.RazorEngine.Templating.ITemplate.Run(ExecuteContext context, TextWriter reader)
   vid RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineService.RunCompile(ITemplateKey key, TextWriter writer, Type modelType, Object model, DynamicViewBag viewBag)
   vid RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass16_0.<RunCompile>b__0(TextWriter writer)
   vid RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.WithWriter(Action`1 withWriter)
   vid Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateRenderingProvider.Render(Template template)
   vid Dynamicweb.Rendering.TemplateRenderingService.Render(Template template)
   vid Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template.RenderRazorTemplate()
Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

Could it be that you have products on that list in a language that does not exist? Or a variant that does not exist?

You have a list ID for the given list - if you query [EcomCustomerFavoriteProducts] table for record that belong to the listid (Column [FavoriteListID]).

Could be a data mismatch in that table.

Also I can see we have changed how this is loaded in later versions (9.13+) - but if you have a product on the favoritelist (productid + variantid + the current language) I see that we can get into this exception.


I thought of a kind of data mismatch too, so I logged in via BO to check the lists and there was some products in the lists that is no longer exists the product catalog. I emptied the lists but the exception is still thrown.

Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

I think you still have something there - probably related to missing language of a given product compared tot he language you are in the frontend?

It can also be that you have added a product that is not in assortment if that is enabled - that will also cause the below code to become null.

This is the code that causes the exception - I just added the null check for the product object marked as orange. My guess is that the green line returns a null - and that causes the next line to fail. It will return null if one of the IDs does not match a record in products or if the product is not in assortment...

foreach (var favoriteProduct in favoriteProducts)
                var product = Services.Products.GetProductById(favoriteProduct.ProductId, favoriteProduct.ProductVariantId, settings.LanguageId);
                if (product is object && product.IsActive || !activeOnly)

If you provide a solution URL we can have a look.

The fix will probably be the above which requires an upgrade to 9.14 or 9.15.

BR Nicolai

Merethe Vrå Andersen Dynamicweb Employee
Merethe Vrå Andersen


I have created bug #12749.


Merethe, QA


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