I get random null ref exception when accessing the My favorites page.
It's just like the products are in the list/lists (3 pcs, "default", "wish list" and "christmas wishes") but when I try to access them, it throw a null ref. Even weirder is when it gets a null ref when I check if it's null or not. (see picture) One time it passed and even .Count is displayed correctly, but further down in the code when it runs a .Take(2) from the list, it becomes a null ref there too - even though that function should not be able to give a null ref. When I insert a breakpint directly under foreach, you can see, for example, that there are 3 lists, but the list's product list cannot be displayed because "not all threads are running". Then I click on the icon to run the thread and then a null ref is displayed instead.
Best regards,