We're trying to create just a dummy order for Unit test purposes on our customizations. I know that currently this relies a lot on context, so I wonder if there's an easier way OR if we're down a bunny trail or it simply can't get done.
This what we have so far
And this is the error we get this error
at Dynamicweb.Core.SystemInformation.GetBasePath(String& relativePath)
at Dynamicweb.Core.SystemInformation.MapPath(String relativePath)
at Dynamicweb.Configuration.SystemConfiguration.get_Instance()
at Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Orders.Order.set_VatCountry(Country value)
at Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Orders.Order..ctor(Currency currency, Country country, Language language)
at Dna.Lorann.Tests.Orders.GetOrderWithOneProductWithWeight40() in C:\Users\Pedro Meias\Desktop\Dna.Lorann.Tests\Orders.cs:line 13
at Dna.Lorann.Tests.Packages.OneOrderWithOneProductUnder40Lbs() in C:\Users\Pedro Meias\Desktop\Dna.Lorann.Tests\Packages.cs:line 14