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Forum » Swift » Product link does not honor unique detail page template

Product link does not honor unique detail page template

Melissa Borgmann
Melissa Borgmann
Please see the bug below that was found within a 9.14.1 solution on Swift 1.14.1.
Configurable product links seem to utilize the 'ProductDetailPage' template tag instead of the product detail page template that is assigned on the product group. The product link needs to honor the detail page template associated with the product record / product group. Screencast here:
Recipes are product records in the 'Recipes' group (in addition to actual products which reside within the 'Shop' group). Recipe product records have a unique PDP (Fig. 1). The 'Text and image' item type near the bottom of the home page is linking to a recipe product (Fig. 2).
Figure 1

Figure 2


Melissa Borgmann
Melissa Borgmann

Turns out that if you try to apply the 'ProductDetailPage' tag to two pages, it just grabs whichever page tag was most recently updated as the 'default' and applies that template to items linked through the TextAndImage item type.


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