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Forum » Swift » Apply theme to alert-info

Apply theme to alert-info

Lora Vigil Dynamicweb Employee
Lora Vigil

Items using alert-info class (from bootstrap) are not allowing themes to override the light blue coloring. (There are other alert-* classes which may experience the same). 

alert-info is used on the Order list table when no orders exist and we need this row color to align with the site theme.  

Please advise on how to get this class to inherit a theme.  Thank you!



Stefan Winther Dynamicweb Employee
Stefan Winther

Hi Lora,

I guess the easiest way to solve this is with custom css :

.alert-info {
 background-color: var(--swift-background-color);
 color: var(--swift-foreground-color);
 border-color: var(--swift-border-color);


Lora Vigil Dynamicweb Employee
Lora Vigil

Okay, we will do this custom for now.  Will the default css be updated to inherit themes in a future release?  

Stefan Winther Dynamicweb Employee
Stefan Winther

That would be something that's a nifty little addition... I'll let PM know :) 
Thanks for contributing


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