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Forum » Swift » No default font-familiy selected in fresh installation of Swift 1.15

No default font-familiy selected in fresh installation of Swift 1.15

Mikkel Hammer
Mikkel Hammer

Hi DW,

I've installed a fresh swift 1.15 and there's no default font-family selected when loading the frontpage

Looking at "Branding" in the administration, there was no default font-family selected.

But if you click on the google font icon, the header font section will appear.

After clicking on each google font icon and saving, the frontpage gets the default font-family styling

Shouldn't it by default have the google font selected? :)

Best regards,
Mikkel Hammer


Stefan Winther Dynamicweb Employee
Stefan Winther
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Mikkel,

Thanks for pointing this out to us!

We will add a small - but obviously crucial - fix shortly :)

Latest version of the branding template assumes that the new custom fonts fields was there by default - duh!

Votes for this answer: 1
Mikkel Hammer
Mikkel Hammer

Hi Stefan,

That's great to hear! Makes sense that it obviously should've been there.. who installs anything fresh nowadays :^)
Thanks for the quick response on this :)

Best regards,
Mikkel Hammer


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