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Forum » Swift » Overwriting URL of certain ecom group to point to custom page

Overwriting URL of certain ecom group to point to custom page

Baptiste Talpe


One of our customers would like to have a custom page for each 'top-level' product group. On this page they would like to show some custom text, products and product groups unique to that product group.
Setting up this page in Swift is of course pretty easy, but I'm struggling a bit with setting up the URL's for this.

The thing is that they have a mega menu in place:

And they would like that if you click on the top level menu item, that it redirects to the custom page. 

Is there any way to set the url of a product group to point to a different page? Or can we overwrite the url's of the mega menu somehow? Or is there any other solution to this?

Thanks a lot in advance!




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