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Forum » Swift » Swift webpack:build setup per designs folder

Swift webpack:build setup per designs folder

Kevin Steffer
Kevin Steffer

Right now the webpack:build setup is located in the root of the Swift source project (
Wouldn't it be better to place inside the Swift designs folder (e.g. so that we can support for building Swift with customizations for each individual designsfolder?

I've attached my testing of it.

And I just copied these files into the Swift folder:

  • .babelrc
  • .editorconfig
  • .stylelintignore
  • .stylelintrc.json
  • package.json
  • postcss.config.js
  • webpack.config.js


Mikkel Hammer
Mikkel Hammer


Stefan Winther Dynamicweb Employee
Stefan Winther

Sounds like a do-able thing!
We will look into this - and in the nearest future, some restructuring/refactoring will come to the frontend setup in Swift 

Kim Søjborg Pedersen



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