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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features » Two shops on same domain

Two shops on same domain

Lars Larsen
Lars Larsen

Is it possible to have two different shops with two different order contexts attached to two different websites that uses the same domain? We are facing problems when adding products to the cart on one of the websites. The problem is that after having added a product to cart, the cart has no shopid and the currencycode is the one used on the other website. Is it possible to fix this issues by either settings or additional data sent when adding products to the cart?


Shiwanka Chathuranga Dynamicweb Employee
Shiwanka Chathuranga

HI Lars

where the cart app used to add to cart did you configure this option correctly?

Lars Larsen
Lars Larsen

Hi Shiwanka

Yes, both the "Shop" and the "Context cart" fields are set correct on each paragraph on each website.

Lars Larsen
Lars Larsen


The problem was that we didn't have any shipping and delivery options selected for the cart app paragraph module settings. And we didn't send the ordercontext value when adding a product to the cart. When these two things were fixed things worked as expected.


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