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Product detail with default variant

Nuno Aguiar Dynamicweb Employee
Nuno Aguiar



I have come across this issue over the years and haven't found 1 single approach for it. When a product has a default variant Id, when going to the Product detail page, should it load the main product's info OR should it default (or redirect) to the default variant info?


I can see how:

  • A redirect is not elegant
  • Not redirecting could generate duplicate content between the main product's PDP and the variant ID (when part of the URL)
  • For some projects we'd want to have the user purposefuly select the variant
  • For some (if not most projects) we'd want to preselect the variant (avoiding user clicks, preselecting the right image, stock, price, ...)


Maybe what we need is a way to configure the behavior to avoid having to customize templates to comply with different project needs, unless there's already a way to do it that I'm not aware of.


Best Regards,

Nuno Aguiar



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