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Customize urls for products

Andreas Pettersson


We have some problems with custom urls for our products. We don't want it to be like Group=3&productid=189 for example in the url path.
We want the customized url like this:

It work if I go into the group and then open the product from that group page. The url be like this then: produkter/byggmaskiner/infastning/bultpistoler/bultpistol-batteridriven

But if i search for the product we got a href like this: href="/Default.aspx?id=3&GroupID=GROUP91&ProductID=823437"
Id 3 is our Product catalog App on a page, its the same one that renders if i step in from the group page in our app. 
And if i click on the product to go to it i get a url like this: produkter/bultpistol-batteridriven?GroupID=GROUP91

Why can't it render the url the correct way like groupname/subgroupname/productname like it does when I step in from group page? Are there any setting i miss in my search functionality? 



Andreas Pettersson

I found that "Ecom:Product.PrimaryGroupID" did take the PIM group. After i change primarygroup to my ecom group it works fine.


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