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Issues on the internal links of the emails

Tomas Gomez


We detected wrong behaviours in the internal links of the emails. We work on DW 9.13.7 with Swift 1.6.1.

  • The link "View in browser" is Ok when testing the mail as a page, but it is broken in the received email at the email server
  • The link "Unsubscribe" behaves the opposite way It is Ok in the received email at the email server but it is broken when testing the mail as a page, but it is broken 

In both cases, the issue is the domain of the link. Searching in Swift_EmailMaster.cshtml, we found that the "view in browser" link get the data as:

string viewInBrowserLink = "/Default.aspx?ID=" + Model.ID

while the "Unsubscribe" link gets the data as:


Do we miss anything? How can we get these two links to work as expected in both scenarios?




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