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Extranet - hide entire website behind login

Mathias Kragh

I have a solution with multiple websites and languages. One of the websites needs to be hidden behind a login screen, so that the whole site is hidden, and not just a page and the children of that page. Is this possible?
I have tried both to set something up in website settings, and to create a single page with the app, but wtih the single page, emails gets send twice.

Also, I have multiple folders containing different Extranet templates, \Files\Templates\Extranet and \Files\Templates\UserManagement\Login 
Which should be used?


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Mathias

You can setup permissions for a website or the pages on the website. If you set up for the website, it is not possible to reach the login dialog.

In the page tree, remove anonuymous access using this one:

And then create a login page with the user management module.

Use the \UserManagement\Login templates.

This setup works with swift which will give you the login dialog if you set permissions for all pages in the website.

Extranet folder is deprecated.

BR Nicolai


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