On several sites tested, the newest being version 9.12.5, it is not possible to set the quantity for groups in the 'Parts list' for a BOM product. While it is possible to adjust the number for single products, the input field is disabled on groups. I tried to set to set the desired quantity values in the ProductItemQuantity column in the ProductItems table, but it did not change anything. Still only one product of each group were added to the basket. What is the reasoning behind this and is there an easy workaround?
A workaround that I can think of is to subscribe to LineAdded and, when a BOM product is added, update the quantity values with the ones present in the table. However, I can't be sure what rule I have to look for as the relation in the ProductItems table is to the group, and I cannot be sure that there is only one group per product.
Kind regards,