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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Duplicate email added to email folder for every send

Duplicate email added to email folder for every send

Dynamicweb Employee
Arianna Lawson
 I'm noticing that whenever we send an email through the email marketing backend tools, the linked email gets a grayed out copy added to the Newsletter content folder.
And if I try to delete one, I get this:
Is this the expected behavior?... Hopefully we'll be able to send these emails to several or many users at once, but if we get a couple/few new login accounts each week, we're going to have a steadily growing email folder of duplicate grayed out email content that seems redundant to me.


Oleg Rodionov Dynamicweb Employee
Oleg Rodionov


I was not able to reproduce the issue on Rapido 3.4.3 solution based on last DW9.12.11 or DW9.13.3 admin, no duplicate email or content on sending. Please, specify the issue if still reproduced on the versions.

BR, Oleg QA 


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