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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Field from custom field groups in NewsV2 does not show in add/edit news item

Field from custom field groups in NewsV2 does not show in add/edit news item

Jesper Holm Damgaard

Hi guys 

I have created a new custom field group in control panel for NewsV2 and added it to a news category.

But when i add/edit the news items in that category the fields does not show. 

I have done this a million times without any problems. Has there been any changes to this in recent versions, that requires me to this in a different way?

I am on 9.12.9

All the best, Jesper


Nicolai Pedersen

I get worried when you use a module we deprecated 5 years ago...

I just checked the code history of this module - there are no changes in the past 15 months (since we moved to Devops from TFS).

Jesper Holm Damgaard

Sorry, i know, i guess it will never die ;-)

When I look at existing(created 3-4 years ago) categories with custom field groups, the fields show up on the add/edit page, but if I add new fields to them, the new fields does not show up either.

When looking in [dbo].[AccessCustomField] I noticed that old and new fields have different values in AccessCustomFieldContext.

Old fields has "NewsV2_specific" and new ones has "newsv2". 

If I update AccessCustomFieldContext and set the old value on the new rows, everything works like a charm.


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