We have a solution on DW 9.12.4, with a page with a querypublisher where we set the sorting on "Title Ascending". The Title field is defined as "Stored Indexed Analized".
We use this title field on a certan page for the company name. The results on our page are sorted strangely, when the title has more as 1 word it seems that the second word is being used to determine the sort. This results in a sortorder where all the A-singlewords are followed by the B-singlewords until after BU.... we get all the A to Z results, not ordered A-Z, which contain "B.V." (dutch for Private limited company) as second term. Similar issues occur for every companyname having more as 1 word.
When I remove the analyzed flag from the title field, the sort order is perfect.
Am I wrong to expect the fact if a field is analyzed or not to not have any influence on the sort order?
Greets Hans