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Forum » CMS - Standard features » ItemCreator & ItemPublisher updates can only submit 15 forms until user is banned!

ItemCreator & ItemPublisher updates can only submit 15 forms until user is banned!

Kevin Steffer
Kevin Steffer


We've built an semi-admin interface with the ItemCreator and ItemPublisher and we've just discovered that 15 form submits with the ItemCreator is getting the user banned - found this in the System/_BannedIps.txt;2022-02-20T07:07:05;Form BAN: IP post too many times ( - 16 submits); 

Is there any way to avoid this?


Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Kevin

Yes, that can be changed under the security settings in http:

You can either whitelist the ip or increase the amount of submits.

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Kevin Steffer
Kevin Steffer

Awesome - thanks!


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