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Image resize not triggered when uploading from content section

Peter Leleulya
Peter Leleulya

Hi guys,

In one of our applications (9.8.11) we have had image resize settings on files directories for a long time.
Our customer's content writers often upload insainly large images and this function is a really good solution for that.

Now the customer's content manager noticed that sometimes there are still really large files in these folders and we have done some testing and concluded that the resizing workst perfectly when uploading an image in te FILES part, but not from the CONTENT part.

When, for example, using a rich text editor you can add an image.
In the footer of file selector popup there is an upload button.
When using this upload the resize of the target directory is not triggered.

It appears that the files will be resized when they open that specific directory in the CMS and that is not often done.
Is there a way to fix this problem without robbing the content writers from this upload option?


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Peter

Thank you for the detailed description. 

There is not a way to make the images resize on upload from the content editor - that feature is implemented in the UI part of the file system - also to ensure files are resized if they are part of i.e. ftp upload.

The best alternative is to use getimage to ensure that these images are at least loaded in the frontend in a correct size (you probably already do that).

Sorry about the inconvenience.

BR Nicolai

Peter Leleulya
Peter Leleulya

Hi Nicolai,

Thanks for your answer.
We do use the image handler on places where we put images in our template, but not in rich text editor output ...
How would you advise to implement that?
Scan the text editor output value for src attributes, if it's value is a relative path replace it by the value of an image handler output version of that url?
Could take that in consideration ...

Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

My best idea to do that... Even a file manager resize is probably not enough in that scenario either anyways.

BR Nicolai

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