I'm trying to implement a ProductFieldTypeProvider with a UserGroupParameterEditor. But cannot find any documentation about how to do it.
I have a class that inherits from ProductFIeldTypeProvider but when i add that in the "Field types" I get the following error:
"UserSelectorSettings is not defined"
Are there any examples on how to implement a ProductFieldType with a UserGroupParameterEditor?
My class so far:
namespace Softgear.Industrilas.Data.Provider { [AddInName("Mindflower.UserGroupSelectProvider")] [AddInLabel("User Group Selector")] [AddInActive(true)] [Serializable] public class UserGroupSelectProvider : ProductFieldTypeProvider, IDropDownOptions { private Lazy<Dictionary<string, string>> _options; public UserGroupSelectProvider() { _options = new Lazy<Dictionary<string, string>>(); } public override object GetValue(object value, string languageId, Dictionary<string, string> settings) { return "Testing usergroups"; } public override string GetAppenderInfo(string languageId, string settings) { return GetAppenderInfo(languageId, GetParameterValues(settings)); } public override object GetProductValue(Product product, object fieldValue, string languageId, Dictionary<string, string> settings) { return "Getting product value"; } public override string GetAppenderInfo(string languageId, Dictionary<string, string> settings) { return "In GetAppenderInfo"; } protected override void Render(TextWriter writer, string id, bool enabled, string value, bool hasError, string text, string title) { // What should I put here } [AddInParameter("Usergroups")] [AddInParameterEditor(typeof(UserGroupParameterEditor), "multiple=false;")] [AddInParameterGroup("Locations")] public string[] Usergroups { get; set; } public Hashtable GetOptions(string dropdownName) { // Get Hashtable Hashtable options = new Hashtable(); foreach (var key in _options.Value.Keys) { options.Add(key, _options.Value[key]); } // Return the hashtable return options; } } }