Considering industry changes, there are a few features in Forms for editors that don't make snse anymore, and taking the opportunity of DW10 being completely rewritten, we could start with a better foundation, getting rid of some old ones. Example:
- Do not allow open mail relay
- Remove legacy form settings from Dynamicweb 19 (aka 7)
Since Forms for editors and the ability to have templates, these settings have been less used - Speaking of templating, I dream of a way we could build a form using the Visual Editor
Most of the templates we have to custom build is because the customer wants the fields to be displaying in some rows and columns. If we could do this through the UI would be great.
There may be other things like the Preppend and Append per field, but the 3 ones from above are spend more time on (either explaining that the fields are never/not used both internally and to customers OR having to estimate and customize for "common" forms designs layout).
Best Regards,
Nuno Aguiar