Please see attached video reproducing issue.
We are seeing the following behavior:
When impersonating a customer and on the frontend and you go to change who you're managing, there are three outcomes to that click. 1) The click is fast and timely. This happens when there are no items in the cart of the customer. 2) The click is a few seconds slower, but still timely. This happens when the customer has items in their cart. 3) The click on the frontend happened to be at the same time as the Import Orders job run and the frontend is held hostage until that job is finished.
The Order Provider seems to be causing a blocking query, causing everything else that depends on EcomOrders (including carts, lookups to addresses on the cart, etc.) to be locked. The scheduled task is utilizing the "Import data with custom request add-in".
Has anyone run into this issue? It is causing performance issues across sites.