Hello forum,
- we are getting users/customers from BC using the Dynamicweb integration tool using the request below:
<GetEcomData><tables><Customers type="all" importSalesPeople="false" /></tables></GetEcomData>
When we compare the returning XML for Company address or Contact address to the company 'Ship-to address' we see some numbers instead of the expected 'Ship-to address' in the tags "AccessUserAddressCallName" and "AccessUserAddressName".
<column columnName="
<column columnName="
<column columnName="
<column columnName="
<column columnName="
<column columnName="
<column columnName="
<column columnName="
<column columnName="
<column columnName="
<column columnName="
Is this a issue in the Dynamicweb codeunits or should we ask the BC developer to do some corrections?
Br. Michael Knudsen