We have a customer with a D365 BC Cloud sokution, and we're trying to extend the Code Unit, specifically on the products feed, to have it return additional tables. In connection with this I have received the following question from the customer's BC developer, which I hope someone can help with:
Is it possible to get an example of how to extend the products feed to have it return additional tables. We're currently using this request:
<GetEcomData><tables><Products type="all" setLanguage="ENU" languages="DAN, DEU, FRA" importProductProperties="true" /></tables></GetEcomData>
When looking at the documentation the closest example on this is the <GetCompanies></GetCompanies> found here:
but this is an entirely new request, we only want to extend the existing request with additional tables. Is that possible?
Additionally it is recommended to use the variable var responseDoc: XmlDocument to build the response, but when subscribing to the event OnBeforeGetProductsRequest you can only use var responseRootNode: XmlNode.
I hope someone can help with al examples on this feature
BR Chris