Posted on 08/04/2021 18:48:19
Hi Nicolai,
Thank you for the response.
I eventually found the cart but the behavior is a bit odd.
The old cart ID is still saved on the user. But the user sees the new cart after logging in.
I am not sure if it is relevant but the initial cart was created by a Sales agent impersonating the customer. That was last night.
This morning, the customer logged in and attempted to delete one of the products from cart. This is the moment the cart got lost. The user did not see anything in the cart, has added a new cart and now he can see only the new cart. And this happened a few times as I could find 3 carts for this user. The one from today, the one form yesterday and another one from a month ago.
Logging out/logging in, anonymous browser window did not help at all.
There were other reports for the same site for a similar behavior when the cart was created by the user and later on the Sales agent tried to edit it and lost the cart.
We are running on 9.8.8.
Thank you,