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Forms for editors - page shift

Charlotte Mogensen

Does anybody know how to implement page shift in a forms for editors template by standard?

I have a very long form, and I would like to split it up in pages using page shift.

There is a button "Page shift" in the setup of a form mentioned on https://doc.dynamicweb.c om/documentation-9/content/apps/forms-for-editors

This button generates a span tag: <span class="formPageShift"></span>

That's it. Can't really find any template anywhere showing the page shift in real action, or any description of how to implement it. 

Page Shift Add a page shift to the form Use for long forms - must be implemented in your form templates

Anybody ever did this?



Nicolai Pedersen

Consider it a marker that you can use in your template to divide the field into logical groups. 

I.e. using bootstrap tabs, accordions or any other visual indication.

You will not create several templates, but simply show different parts of the form markup on different 'pages' using css/js.

I have no example, but someone might have it...?

BR Nicolai

Charlotte Mogensen

Ok, get it - thought I missed something really clever :). Thanks.


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