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Forum » Integration » EcomManufacturerId


James Shipman
In the Ecom provider, the ProductManufacturerId is not being handled correctly. Here is the requirement from the documentation…
"If this field is set to a value that already exists in the EcomManufacturers table, a reference to the relevant row will be created. If the value does not already exist, a manufacturer with name of the value will be created, and the reference will be added"
However, what is happening … 
1. If the Manufacturer doesn't exist, it will create the Manufacturer in EcomManufacturers correctly. 
2. It then writes the "name" rather than the "id" to EcomProducts.ProductManufacturerID
The 2nd issue appears that it is not using the existing manufacturers by searching by name. While sometimes it's a pain for it to look up multiple database columns to find the best match, it makes sense here. 
I think this order of operation would fix the issues…  
• Looks first in EcomManufacturers.ManufacturerId to see if that exists. If so, use it; If not, look in EcomManufacturers.ManufacturerName for a match. 
• If it finds a match, then set EcomProducts.ProductManufacturerId with that value.


Dmitriy Benyuk Dynamicweb Employee
Dmitriy Benyuk

Hi James,
nice found! That is exactly the bahavior of how it was working before merging of the EcomProvider V2 to the previous EcomProvider code which has been working exactly as you have described. So that is a bug and will be fixed in DevOps #918.
Kind regards, Dmitrij

Kristian Kirkholt Dynamicweb Employee
Kristian Kirkholt

Hi James

The problem regarding EcomProvider:and existing manufacturers by name #918

Has been fixed in Dynamicweb version 9.10.5

You are able to find this release in the download section:

Please contact if you need help regarding upgrading

Kind Regards
Dynamicweb Support
Kristian Kirkholt


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