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Forum » Integration » Import to EcomAssortmentPermissions from UserProvider

Import to EcomAssortmentPermissions from UserProvider

Anders Ebdrup
Anders Ebdrup

Dear Dynamicweb,


I am missing a feature where it is possible with the UserProvider to import data into EcomAssortmentPermissions as this data often is related. I hope it can be added?


Best regards, Anders


Anders Ebdrup
Anders Ebdrup

Hi Dynamicweb,


Any thougths on this one?

Anders Ebdrup
Anders Ebdrup

Hi Dynamicweb,


Are we on our own here? :-) Or do you have plans to look into this?


Best regards, Anders

Nicolai Pedersen

You are never alone! We are here with you... But, we cannot always just re-open the roadmap and change the plan day to day for larger things like this...


Anders Ebdrup
Anders Ebdrup

I know, but sometimes you have some hidden gems on your roadmap that I do not know and hopefully this is one of them! ;-)


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