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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Prompt users for new password if extranet user password has expired (looks like feature already exists)

Prompt users for new password if extranet user password has expired (looks like feature already exists)

Allan Iversen
Allan Iversen


I have been looking for a standard feature like this in Dynamicweb and have probably found some kind of feature around this method.

Dynamicweb.Frontend.SecurityHandler.NewPasswordPrompt() - which are used in Dynamicweb.Frontend.SecurityHandler.ExtranetStart()

It looks like this method handles template rendering code with a static template from path: "Extranet/ChangeExpiredPassword.html"

I have tested the expiration settings - and it works. We get the ?expires parameter after login attempt, but we are not able to get the rendered template out from ChangeExpiredPassword.html.

I am not sure about the required "DW_extranet_exspiresID" session which should also be present - maybe it is just a minor typo?

Anyone able to help me with this? 


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Allan

You should probably use the user management module on a paragraph. It has 2 modes that could come in handy. The login and edit profile mode:

The methods you are refering to are actually very old from a time when the login dialog template was set on page properties.


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