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Field System name in FieldTypeProvider

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi guys,

We have started the development of a few custom FieldTypes and we have reached a Roadblock when trying to use the new fields as ProductCategory fields.

To be more specific, in the Render method of ProductFieldTypeProvider we get a property called "id" which returns a concatenation between field type, FieldId and FieldCategoryID:

For a ProductField it looks like this in the e-commerce section:


and like this in the PIM:


For a ProductCategoryField it looks like this in the e-commerce section:


and like this in PIM:


For our field, we need to be able to get the FieldId and the CategoryId in each of the sections (e-commerce and PIM).

Because of how the above values are built, we cannot get the right values by parsing the id property in the e-commerce section if the FieldId and/or CategoryId contains "_" as it is used as a separator.

We cannot avoid the "_" separator in the FieldID and CategoryId as they are automatically suggested by the interface when adding a Name containing spaces.

That's why I am looking for a solution to get the FieldId and Category Id from elsewhere in the Render method of ProductFieldTypeProvider.

Any ideas?

Any chance to add a solution to the above problem in the upcoming versions?

Posible solutions I see:

1. Disallow "_" in FieldId and CategoryId

2. Change the separation pattern for the id value in Ecommerce section (e.g: CATFIELD__Digestive_support__Formulation or CATFIELD_Digestive_support.Formulation)

3. Make available the properties in the Render method of ProductFieldTypeProvider

4. Any other idea that I have missed.

Thank you,





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